Fetches current securities information from YH Finance including stock, ETF, mutual funds, currency, and cryptocurrency data.
Sample Usage
YHFINANCE(ticker, [attributes], [show_header])
ticker - The ticker symbol for the security to consider.
attributes - [ OPTIONAL - "regularMarketPrice" by default ] - The attributes to fetch about ticker from YH Finance. attributes is one or comma separated many of the following for real-time data:
*.* - all attributes
price.* - all price related attributes
symbol - the ticker symbol
longName - the long full name
quoteType -
quoteSourceName -
marketState -
currency -
regularMarketTime -
regularMarketPrice -
regularMarketDayHigh -
regularMarketDayLow -
regularMarketVolume -
regularMarketChange -
regularMarketChangePercent -
regularMarketOpen -
regularMarketPreviousClose -
preMarketTime -
preMarketPrice -
preMarketChange -
preMarketChangePercent -
postMarketTime -
postMarketPrice -
postMarketChange -
postMarketChangePercent -
summary.* - all summary related attributes
previousClose -
open -
dayLow -
dayHigh -
regularMarketPreviousClose -
dividendRate -
dividendYield -
exDividendDate -
payoutRatio -
fiveYearAvgDividendYield -
trailingPE -
forwardPE -
volume -
regularMarketVolume -
averageVolume -
averageVolume10days -
averageDailyVolume10Day -
bid -
ask -
bidSize -
askSize -
marketCap -
fiftyTwoWeekLow -
fiftyTwoWeekHigh -
priceToSalesTrailing12Months -
fiftyDayAverage -
twoHundredDayAverage -
trailingAnnualDividendRate -
trailingAnnualDividendYield -
navPrice -
volume24Hr -
volumeAllCurrencies -
circulatingSupply -
statistics.* - all statistics related attributes
enterpriseValue -
profitMargins -
floatShares -
sharesOutstanding -
sharesShort -
sharesShortPriorMonth -
sharesPercentSharesOut -
heldPercentInsiders -
heldPercentInstitutions -
shortRatio -
shortPercentOfFloat -
beta -
bookValue -
priceToBook -
ytdReturn -
totalAssets -
yield -
fiveYearAverageReturn -
lastFiscalYearEnd -
nextFiscalYearEnd -
mostRecentQuarter -
earningsQuarterlyGrowth -
netIncomeToCommon -
trailingEps -
forwardEps -
pegRatio -
lastSplitFactor -
lastSplitDate -
enterpriseToRevenue -
enterpriseToEbitda -
52WeekChange -
lastDividendValue -
lastDividendDate -
financial.* - all financial related attributes
currentPrice -
targetHighPrice -
targetLowPrice -
targetMeanPrice -
targetMedianPrice -
recommendationMean -
recommendationKey -
numberOfAnalystOpinions -
totalCash -
totalCashPerShare -
ebitda -
totalDebt -
quickRatio -
currentRatio -
totalRevenue -
debtToEquity -
revenuePerShare -
returnOnAssets -
returnOnEquity -
grossProfits -
freeCashflow -
operatingCashflow -
earningsGrowth -
revenueGrowth -
grossMargins -
ebitdaMargins -
operatingMargins -
profitMargins -
esg.* - all Environment, Social and Governance related attributes
totalEsg -
environmentScore -
socialScore -
governanceScore -
esgPerformance -
show_header - [ OPTIONAL - "true" by default ] - The flag to show or hide header row.
true - show header row
false - hide header row